is an independent student news service covering WIU’s 2011 Mock Presidential Election, available as a print insert through the Western Courier and also standalone distribution.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Faces & Voices at the Mock Presidential Election

By Vickie Bourne and Keisha Ruth

“I’m learning a lot about the convention and how a nominee is selected. The country is in a lot of trouble.”
-Caleb Markey, sophomore

“We’re facing an economic crisis. The delegates are doing a good job and people have their own opinions. They should legalize marijuana and you should vote for Mitt Romney, not Ron Paul.”
-Thomas Gockenbach, graduate student

“Though I am here for a class, I think it is a wonderful opportunity for students to get out and learn/ educate themselves on the presidential election process. People only hear about the final two candidates and maybe the candidate from their home town. I feel as if I am getting great exposure to all running candidates and the situations this nation faces”
-Perry Broaden, junior (pictured above, in a photo by Vickie Bourne)

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